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Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

James Twyman
W.I.S.H Alliance is proud to announce a very special webinar with internationally-renowned New York Times best-selling author, musician, Peace Troubadour, and Filmmaker James F. Twyman.
"Finding Peace in the Midst of Existential Crisis: Lessons in Simplicity, Humanity and Love"
from St. Francis
James first came to the attention of the world by virtue of putting the 12 Peace Prayers of the Major Religions of the World to music; it was as if the prayers were waiting to be sung, and collectively chose Jimmy as their voice. In his newly-dubbed role as Peace Troubadour, he journeyed by invitation or intuitive guidance to many embattled, war-torn areas of the world, often in the midst of violent conflict, to give concerts, singing songs and offering his unique perspectives in the name of peace, reconciliation, mutual respect and trust.
It was on one of these sojourns that James came to the attention of a special group of peacemakers called 'The Emissaries of Light", where James was privy to the workings of a very special group of peacemakers, who, for untold ages, have gathered in areas of conflict in the world, to became beacons of Divine Light. The vision of a new world and a new humanity that was shared with James and the lessons he learned, which are chronicled in his first book "Emissary of Light: Visions of Peace" are even more profound, significant and enduring in our present time.
I first met James at a World Sound Healing Conference in Loveland, Co. in the light of a double rainbow at the close of the event, on the advent of his revelations of the Emissaries, and have been blessed to have accompanied him on adventures and journeys in many parts of the world, from The Second City of Chicago to The Holy City of Jerusalem to The Holy See in Rome...from Edinburgh to the Borough of Brooklyn, NY and from The City of Angels to The Land Down Under.
James has written 18 books, including the best-selling, "Emissary of Light: Visions of Peace", "The Moses Code", and "The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking", produced and recorded over 18 albums, produced/and or directed 7 films, including the award-winning "Indigo", as well as the first documentary on the Indigo Children, The Indigo Evolution". He conducts seminars, workshops and retreats around the world, as well as initiating world synchronized meditations for Planetary and Universal Peace in which millions around the world participate and which literal miracles have manifested. James has a 'knack' for drawing in millions of people in synchronized prayer across the globe. His work as a 'man of peace', which included "The Cloth of Many Colors Project" at the United Nations, where he has spoken twice, as well The Pentagon and US Capitol , in my estimation, is unparalleled.
He is the founder of The Beloved Community, an inter-religious organization that has ordained over 600 ministers of peace (of which I am proud to be one) around the world, through The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking
James is a novice in the community of Francis and Clare, a Franciscan order within the Anglican tradition. He is the founder pf Namaste Village in Anjijic, Mexico, an interfaith spiritual community.
James continues to promote peace, opportunities for personal growth and spiritual awakening through web-based courses as well as conferences and events around the world.
Provided by: Phil Gruber