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Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Zoe Davenport - Return to source - The path of awakening
Mo., 06. Feb.
|Online Event
Paving the way as we get to witness new levels of consciousness in all areas of life/creativity and purpose.

Zeit & Ort
06. Feb. 2023, 19:00
Online Event
Über die Veranstaltung
Zoe Davenport is a Speaker, Writer, Coach, Divine Oracle and Modern mystic dedicated to being a catalyst to connecting others to their highest potential, truths, and wisdom within. Through speaking, writing, and connecting, with both groups and individuals one-on one, she has assisted many in unveiling their deeper purpose and Soul callings. In this presentation, she explains the layers of consciousness, what tools/teachings/techniques can help to support us to shift at a cellular, atomic, sub-atomic level. Breaking past the ego glass ceiling and any barriers of sub-conscious programs/patterns/imprints.