Estas personas brindan capacitación a todos los nuevos embajadores en cuanto a sus responsabilidades.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Azraella Raphae
lun, 27 nov
|Online Event
The Sacred Blessings of Connecting to Higher Self

Horario y ubicación
27 nov 2023, 19:00 GMT-7
Online Event
Acerca del evento
Connecting to your Higher Self, Spiritual Guides and the Family of Light awakens your channel, so you can bring greater clarity regarding your purpose, receive clear guidance about the highest steps to take in your life, and grants you greater access to receiving Divine Assistance from The Family of Light, (Angels & Archangels), to remove obstacles from your path so you can conduct your life’s work and purpose with ease. The more one chooses to merge with your Spirit (Higher Self), the more deeply you are able to surrender, master patience, ask for help (receive Divine Assistance), and be clear about your place on Earth and the steps to take to ground and activate your purpose. Merging with Spirit guides you with mastering the art of moving synchronistically with the Universe, (following your Divine Plan), and to be in deep heart union with Beloved God Source.