ये व्यक्ति सभी नए राजदूतों को उनकी जिम्मेदारियों के बारे में प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करते हैं।
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Judy Satori
Topic: ASCENSION: The Mysterious Place Called Beyond the Beyond. Multi- Galactic Energy Transmissions to Expand Your Unique Gifts and Truth.
Biography: Judy Satori
Judy Satori is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, energy healer and Ascension way-shower.
She verbally transmits energy words of ‘New Creation’ from Source, divinely designed to expand human capacity and ability. Her work, with a new spectrum of Ascension upgrade energy called ‘Ultralight’, creates permanent alchemical change at the level of the DNA and cellular template, positively transforming people physically and emotionally and opening them to their gifts of Spirit.
Judy Satori is the co-creator of an online Ascension Library, which houses hundreds of audio and video programs to help people transform their lives for the better and express their unique soul and human potential.
Visit www.AscensionLibrary.org to access Judy’s work in the free EXPLORE section.
Setting up page: Visit www.AscensionLibrary.org for any graphics or information. Email Ben Story if you need any graphics etc.
Your Alpha to Omega story will give background. The URL is below. Also locate at www.AscensionLibrary.org The Codes of Light program.
Listen to YOUR ALPHA TO OMEGA story from the Codes of Light program