Estas personas brindan capacitación a todos los nuevos embajadores en cuanto a sus responsabilidades.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Dr. Richard Horowitz
Dr. Richard Horowitz is a board-certified internist who has been practicing preventative and integrative/functional medicine for the past 30+ years, while also studying with Masters from the Kagyu Tibetan lineage for the past 40 years. His talk will focus on methods of relieving suffering (focusing on different aspects of body, mind, spirit) and expanding consciousness. During this online talk, Dr. H will discuss from a physical perspective, how environmental toxins and infections drive inflammation, as well as how an improper diet, exercise and sleep patterns lead to acute and chronic disease. This will then lead to an understanding of how to lower inflammation in the body (associated with all acute and chronic disease) through a logical multisystemic approach called “MSIDS”, while addressing the root causes of suffering. The second part of the talk will focus on how we can access more expanded states of consciousness to get in touch with our essential nature and help relieve our own mental suffering and the suffering of others. This will be followed by a group meditation on the three stages of mind training, with simple quick meditation exercises that can be done throughout the day to ensure progress on the spiritual path. Finally, Dr H will finish off with a brief overview of our climate situation and discuss some of the problems and solutions that can be found in his upcoming novel, Starseed R/evolution, The Awakening. We hope you can attend!