Estas personas brindan capacitación a todos los nuevos embajadores en cuanto a sus responsabilidades.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

Hildegard Gmeiner
Hildegard will be speaking about the self-discovery and self-actualization process she had to go through herself, and now is ready to facilitate in others. She will show you how, each and everyone of us already creates our very own, unique universe on a day-to-day basis.
Once we understand how the implicit and explicit universes are intertwined and recognize, how to tune ourselves into the vibration of a specific, desired outcome, we can go from struggle to ease.
Understanding more about our inner programs and how to transform those, which sabotage our success, will ultimately let our soul sing.
Aware of our unique innate abilities and gifts and courageously trusting and employing them, enables us to fulfill our dreams, while simultaneously contributing our part toward the collective evolution of humankind.
"As Human beings, we are powerful creator beings, who, however, have not yet fully awoken, nor activated nor expressed our fullest soul potential.
I will also briefly speak about what intuitive consulting is and my ability to receive visual images clairvoyantly, which might be meaningless to me, yet are usually helpful to the person I am speaking with. I love to facilitate the self-discovery and self-actualization process.
It is my Earth Mission to assist all those interested in finding out 'what makes them really tick' to become aware of their inner subconscious and mental conditioning and how to reprogram self-sabotaging patternings and override them with those, which lead to healing, self-appreciation, and self-actualization." - Hildegard Gmeiner