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Marlayna Marks

Marlayna Marks spent many years in the allopathic hospital/medical world until she underwent a great awakening to the holistic health and spiritual world. Thus began her journey and searching for the tools to truly know who she is. Training first in polarity therapy, then a career as massage therapist, spiritual healer/teacher, shaman initiations, Reiki Master and hypnotherapist. Always with a spiritual/soul awakening and healing focus. Finally onto Akashic Records readings and Soul Level Astrology, she thought she had found the secret key.
Not quite!
Finally more Akashic Records to access the Soul's divine blueprint of origination for Soul Realignment. What a blessing! This opened the next key to Channel Lemurian Cosmic Soul Codes with healing energy attunements.
Now Marlayna offers intensive 3-6 month transformational programs to journey into the new. The time is NOW to shift the consciousness of our world.
Marlayna has facilitated personal transformation and Soul Journeys for over 30 years.

Marlayna Marks
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