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Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance
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You can also find many of these presentations oN PortaltoAscension.org PTA YouTube and New Realities YouTube .
Peter Benson
Healing Properties of the Tensor Technology
Sinéad Welehan
Following the River
Rayania Chaenn
Galactic Inner Child Healing
Mary Edwards
Expanding Consciousness with Mary Edwards
Katie Turnbull
The Only Way is Up -- The journey towards oneness with my creator self
Kathy Mason
Soulful Strategy is possible! Kathy helps to align your soul mission and manifest your souls desire by opening up the Akashic records.
Monica Ramirez
Believing in ourselves --it's such a game changer!
Kyle Shobe & Arin Cyr
Reclaiming Healing & Wisdom with Plant Medicines
Neil Gaur
Exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality.
Cindy Robinson & Doug Scott
Global Update and the Conversation We Are Not Having with ET's
Mary Nunez
If I Knew Then What I Know Now. A journey in my meat suit/spiritual transformation pilgrimage.
Alan Steinfeld
Making Contact
Acurda Melchizedek
Architecting DNA
Jane Elworthy
The Power is in Your Hands
Jen Majenta Moon
Jen Majenta Moon is a Shamanic Practitioner, Ceremonialist and Spirit Channeler. She is a true advocate for the importance of how to create ritual to manifest your work and dreams into becoming your reality, and is best recognised for her craft in providing spiritual medicineas healing.
With a comprehensive career in the industry spanning over 25 years, Jen Majenta Moon creates potent transformative spaces, curates exclusive experiences and facilitates intimate healings for people drawn to the realms of the Spiritual and Shamanic.
Geraldine Orozco
Geraldine Orozco - the new world and the structure of the human soul for major transformational shifts
Jimmy Cutie
A Personal Journey of Syncronicity and Contact
Miesha Johnston
Starseed Awakening
Alan Steinfeld
Emmissary of WISH Alliance
James Farrelly
Reconnecting After World Separation
Documentary - Humans Are You Ready?
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright
Exoconscious Coaching: From Integration to Co-creation
Mary Hardy
Pyramids and obelisks are antennas.
Journey into the 4th
Michelle Anderson
Conscious Collaboration
Rosalind Horowitz
Windows into Other Worlds - Photo presentions
Sirve Foster
The Knowledge Book
Neil Gaur
Hybrid Being Science, Terminology & Ancient Evidence
Hildegard Gmeiner
Self Discovery & Self Actualization
Judy Satori
Scott Werner
Ascension Pathway
Mary Rodwell
Crystal Children
Marc Brinkerhoff
Tells All Part 1 and Part 2
Glenda Dawson
The Veil is Thin
Kaliana & Rama
Divine Masculine & Feminine
James Twyman
Barbara Lamb
Life Adventures of Barbara Lamb
Hildegard Gmeiner
I am a Walk-In
Preston Dennett
The Healing Power of UFO's
Jenna Layden
Mastering Manifestation for a New Earth
Kostas Makreas
The Peoples Disclosure Movement & The People’s Love Alliance
Nimesh Radia
Journey to Akashic Records Including a channeled Akashic message
Alan Steinfeld & Zenka Caro
Have a direct experience of ET contact, try remote viewing & more
Michelle Price
Balancing your Body, Mind, Spirit & Emotions
Nick Prestera, Yvonne Donaldson & Nicole Farmer.
Health, Healing & Expansion
Barbara Lamb
Crop Circles
Marsha Beery, Jocelyn Buckner
& Kevin Briggs
Planetary Communication & Healing
Karin McLeod & Donna Manobianco
Developing contactees' psychological integration on a public & private level.
Phil Gruber & Geraldine Orozco
A Very Special Cosmic Conversation with Phil Gruber & Geraldine Orozco
MaryJoan Cappiello-Fernandez
Astrology... the road map for your life
Jodi Serota
THE CRYSTAL SKULL CONNECTION w/ Jodi Serota & The Green Jadeite Crystal Skull (Greenie)
Marina Jacobi
Quantum Manifestation
"Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda
Starseed Memoirs
Waxela’s earliest ET contact memories began around age 3 and she has had a lifetime full of multidimensional experiences, extradimensional contact, and memories of lifetimes in many other planets and realities.
In this presentation she will share some of the experiences that most impacted and transformed her life. This will be followed by a frequency encoded activation meditation.
Don Hudnall
I'll talk about my experiences that include growing up as a Starseed Lost in the Dark. How I learned through intuition to increase psychic abilities. Step by step techniques for the everyday person. "Learning Without Knowing"
Rev Devi Grace
Gaia's Galactic Maypole Festival: Presentation includes the Cosmic May King + Queen's Beltane Invocation, World TREE Tantric Light Language Transmission & Sacred Marriage Channeling
Viviane Chauvet
Arcturian Fifth-Dimensional Perspective: Stepping into Self-Mastery!
Marianna Leah
Presentation will include a World Peace Blessing, Prayer, Light Language Transmission, and a Live Channeling of the Divine Sacred Feminine.
Marlayna Marks
"Will My Soul EVER get it Right - so I can live a happier, more fulfilling life?”
Debbie Garcia
G-Vibe Girl
Tyler Ellison
Extra Dimensionals and Magickal Evolution
Laura Eisenhower
Conscious Awakening - FEB 28
Larisa Stow
Larisa Stow
Heather Grace Powers
The Solar Feminine
KAren Swain
Frequency Light Upgrade
Dr. Richard Horowitz
Achieving a Healthier Body, Mind and Spirit in the 21st Century
Barbara Hand Clow
First Conscious Awakening Speaker
Gita Rose
Marina Seren
Waking up to Psychic Awareness
Yvonne Perry
Light Language
Phil Gruber
Angelic Essence
Marianna Leah Hernandez
Chanelling of Mary Magdalene
Phil Gruber & Marina Seren
Ascension & Humanities History
Karl Dorey
Secret Space Program
Jodie Serota
Activations of the Highest Order
Kiara Windrider
Gaia Lightbody
Carole Stacey
Near Death and UFO's
Jacquelin Smith
Light Language
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez
The Mind of GOD - A Spiritual-Virtual Reality Model of Consciousness and the Contact Modalities
April Curry
Experience a Akashic Reiki Journey!
Brittany Lynn
Stepping into flow, manifesting with ease & harmonizing your thoughts and inner voice
Stephanie Ann Lodge
Crystal Skull Activation
Glenda Dawson
Glenda will discuss her Near Death Experiences and what she brought back from the other side
Phil Gruber, Geraldine Orozco, Johnny Mirehiel & Kristin Ragusin
Human Hybridization Programs
The Harmonic Concordance(s) of 2003/2022
Manifesting Heaven on Earth
The End of Scarcity
What do these have in common?
Viviane Chauvet
Cosmic Conversations with Viviane Chauvet
April Dyke, Faye Waddington-Ayres & Gary Borse
Exoconscious Humans: Communication and Art
Phil Gruber
A Primer in Morphogenetic Science and Light Language
Soozi Lohbeck
Music with Soozi
Gayle Mack
Spiral Breath, Energy and Higher Consciousness
Loren Johnson
Tao of Health, Relationships and Enlightened Immortality
Sarina Baptista
Discovering the Akasha
Wish Alliance - A Special Event
Geraldine Orozco, Marina Seren and Teah Akrish
Rachael Burns
Share story and lessons learnt. Share info about Light Language and Light Codes. Deliver Dragon Light Language Transmission.
Lou Van Stone
Celestial Sound Healing Journey
Sheila Seppi
Questions & Answers with KAren Swain
Campbell Foster
'Energy Circle Soundbath' with Campbell D. Foster
Rose Saroyan
Presentation Description - three to four sentences: KarmicDNA is a knowledge system that maps out our ‘Life Purpose’ like no other, providing a blueprint; a ‘to do’ list for our inner purpose and life force. KarmicDNA is each individual’s unique operating system that identifies the natural talents, gifts and personal challenges with which we are born.
To stay healthy, to find clarity when on a cross-road, to understand and resolve past events, to achieve success in business, to have ultimate relationships, and to learn how to perceive and work through causes of stress and dis-ease, KarmicDNA explores each individual’s unique abilities, providing positive solutions that are aligned with the Soul’s Life Agenda.
Neil Gaur
Founder of Portal to Ascension
Phil Gruber
The Origin and Destiny of the Angelic Human
Victoria Reynolds
Becoming Victoria
Miguel Mendonca
Bridget Renee Holliday
How to be a conscious creator of your life and create New Earth in every now moment.
Heather Grace Powers
The Solar Feminine
April Cotton Dyck
Windows into Other Worlds - Photo Presentation
Jacquelin Smith
Experiences with Star Beings
Stephanie Lodge
The Hug Angel
The Regenesis of the Personal Christos
Phil Gruber, Marina Seren, Marianna Hernandez, Jodi Serota, Sheila Seppi , Neil Gaur, Preston Hunt
JoAnne Palladino
Way-shower, Intuitive and Consciousness Guide
Teah Akrish
Secret Space Program
Phil Gruber
Marina Seren
Hybridization Program
Kevin Briggs
ET Contact