These individuals provide training to all new Ambassadors as to their responsibilities.
Marilyn Harper
The Galactic Alliance

The Galactic Alliance includes multidimensional incarnated
Walk-Ins, Indigos, Starseeds, Hybrids, Untradimensionals, Intradimensionals and Extradimensional beings who are here to be
in service to humanity. We welcome everyone interested in becoming part of our conscious evolution movement.

The Galactic Alliance
The Galactic Alliance is a non-denominational, non-profit alliance whose mission is to provide life enhancing opportunities through providing community, support, education, mentoring, and promotional opportunities for business and personal conscious evolution in the areas of the arts, education, technology, science, prevention of cruelty to children, animals and justice for humanity as a whole. We stand for defending human and civil rights and freedom from transhumanism.
We believe in Source Energy, Father/Mother God, creator of all things. We believe we are all divine sparks of Source and as such eternal souls, ever incarnating, ever evolving. We believe we are souls in a body, not bodies with a soul. We believe we are all one.